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World War II had a major impact on fashion. The Nazi occupation of countries throughout Europe brought their fashion industry to a halt. American designers seized the opportunity to build clientele and their styles gained an international following.

When the United States entered the war, the government began rationing goods and materials, including those used for garments. This rationing limited public use of materials needed for the war effort, such as nylon, wool, cotton, leather, and rubber. Styles of the 1940s reflected conservative use of fabrics, vibrant dyes, and other materials.

Rosie the Riveter exemplified the Homefront Woman, who contributed to the War Effort while men were fighting overseas. Designers adapted elements of typically masculine styles like military uniforms, broad shoulders, slacks and knee-length skirts, to clothing that was both fashionable and practical.

When the War ended, so did rationing. Designers quickly began creating garments using large amounts of fabric and producing very feminine silhouettes. Nothing exemplified this more than Christian Dior’s “New Look” of 1947, which featured a small waist, full bust, padded hips and very full skirts made of yards and yards of fabric.